Very good
I thought this was great. And to Amplefield, not trying to be disrespectful or rude or anything, but in 1 way you are right. It was showing capitalism, but Capatalism wasnt born there, it was an idea that was created by Adam Smith, who was one of the Philosophers in The Enlightenment. Marxism is the what came out of the industrial revolution, and Karl Marx was the creator. Marxism, is basically what we refer to as communism, where government has the majority of control over business. Capitalism is like "The hands off policy.. IE.. Laissez Faire" So, now back to the movie. You should of expressed also, the extremely exploited labor of children and women, who were often beaten if they did something wrong. But, thats not real important. I like this, i wish i could make something like this for my class....but im too lazy. :) So. i give this a 10/10, a 5/5, a whatever/whatever. and i applaud you. KUTGW